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A child stammering can be very concerning for any family member, especially if there is a family history of stammering. Early intervention is important for children who stammer, especially if you or your child are concerned about the stammer. 

I offer intervention for children aged 7 years old and under using the Michael Palin Parent-Child Interaction (PCI) Therapy approach. For further information on Palin PCI please click the link below:


Palin PCI is a therapy approach which looks at areas which are impacting on your child's stammer and will give you the strategies you need to support your child with their stammer, reducing the areas which impact on their stammer. 

Palin PCI consists of two parts which are outlined below: the assessment, and the therapy. 

The Assessment

The assessment for Palin PCI takes place over three appointments:

  1. Child assessment (up to 2 hours)

  2. Parent Questionnaire (1- 1.5 hours)

  3. Feedback appointment (up to 1 hour)

Depending on your child's age the assessment for them contains many elements including: assessment of their speech, language and communication skills, an analysis of their stammer, discussion with them directly regarding their stammer and any concerns they have. 

The parent questionnaire looks at your concerns regarding your child's stammer, and what happens in your household on a day to day basis. This will allow the therapist to create a plan as to where we can support you as a family with your child's stammer. 

Our feedback appointment is a time where we can discuss all elements and come up with a plan going forward that is individualised to your family. 


Cost of assessment: £500

Child Psychologist

Therapy Sessions

Once an assessment has been completed and you have decided that therapy is the next best step for you then sessions can be booked. Palin PCI recommends that a block of six therapy sessions are booked to start with. Sessions look at different areas of your child's stammer based on the outcomes of assessment and an individual plan is created, specifically tailored to your child's needs. 

Areas targeted may include:

  • interaction strategies to continue to support your child with their stammer

  • family strategies to support your child with their stammer at home

  • child specific strategies

  • nursery or school liaison where required.

Following completion of 6 therapy sessions a 6 week consolidation period will begin where we will keep in contact regularly to support where required. Following this consolidation period a review is recommended with further reviews at 6, 9 and 12 months post assessment. 

Cost of therapy and review sessions: £75 per session*

If additional reports are required they are charged at £75 per hour of writing time required.

*Please note: We are unable to provide therapy sessions unless your child has received an initial or enhanced assessment from us. *Sessions are limited to 1 hour. Time for writing notes, discussions re. progress, demonstrations and feedback are all included in the time period allocated for therapy sessions. Any time required for these will be deduced from 1:1 therapy time with your child. 

Child Counseling

If you are concerned about your child's stammer then please contact us for a free 20 minute telephone consultation.


In this consultation we can discuss your child's stammer, any concerns you have and more information regarding assessment and therapy can be given. 


Before assessment or therapy can be booked a parent questionnaire will need to be completed (free of charge) to determine whether this therapy approach is the right one for you. If you have any questions please contact us to discuss this further. 

What People Say

Parent of child with stammer following therapy

We are really grateful for all your support to date and the tools you have provided us with as a family have really helped.

Parent of child with stammer following assessment

You have totally got to the bottom of what is causing his stammer and your ideas for helping us to move forward as a family make sense. I feel like we can see a way forward.

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